Making Kicks Count: Gym manager suprises member with Down syndrome with new shoes

CJ is a Planet Fitness member in Woonsocket , Rhode Isalnd who showed up at the gym to work out in boots ( which apparently is against their rules) instead of sneakers. Gym manager Daniel Cote decided to do something about it that did not involve just putting him out. He found out CJ’s shoe size from his caregiver and actually went to athletic store and came back with a brand new pair of Under Armour sneakers for CJ.

Here is what his caregiver posted to social media after this awesome gesture:

Daniel said that he knows that CJ really likes coming up to the gym and he want to show support in his endeavors to live a healthier life.

Though I am more of a hardcore weightlifter, Planet Fitness is not a gym for me, but this store is an example of something good actually happening within that place.

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