Falls Township, PA is the latest stage fore this edition of Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers. Here in the Philadelphia suburb, a recent sneaker sale resulted in robbery.
According to court papers, the Falls Township police indicated that officers responded to a call at the Village of Penbrook Apartments on March 4 at approximately 4 pm. The call was ended by the caller who then called back and relayed they had been robbed.

The caller and the man who was with him told police they arrived at the aforementioned apartment complex to sell pair of sneakers in a transaction that had been arranged online with a male who was later determined to be a juvenile. The youth took two pairs of sneakers- which were valued at $500 and $700, respectively- and jumped into the backseat of a car driven by 22-year-old Victoria Wilbon.
As Wilbon attempted to back out, one of the sellers/victims hung onto the vehicle. The juvenile subsequently exited the car, pulled out a knife and swung it at the victim, causing him to relinquish his grip on the vehicle and Wilbon sped away.
The youth absconded the area prior to the arrival of law enforcement.
Fuelled by information from the previously referenced 911 call, multiple marked and unmarked police units engaged in a traffic stop just before 4:30 p.m. that same day. This stop resulted in Wilbon being taken into custody.
She was arraigned by District Judge Mick Petrucci and put in jail on 10% of $100,000 bail.