Stupid Things People Do For sneakers: Washington woman gets 23 years for pimping her daughter in exchange for Nikes

In all the cases of deplorable behavior people engaged in for the pursuit of sneakers, this latest occurrence reaches a new level of depravity. A Washington state woman was sentenced to 23 years in prison for allegedly selling her 6-year-old for daughter for sex to a man she met online in exchange for lodging, cash and Nike sneakers. According to the US Department of Justice, 31-year-old Kylie Ruby Flores arranged with a male named Trevor Harder on the dating platform Plenty of Fish to “trade trade sexual access to the…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: NJ sneaker sale ends in armed robbery

A New Jersey man found himself the victim of a robbery when he was selling a pair of sneakers. The victim, a 20-year-old Bayonne man , made arrangements online with two males to meet August 14. At the meeting, which happened in area of West 30th Street, a gun was pulled and the seller was relieved of the footwear and the the robbers fled the scene. In lieu of this event and one just a week prior where two teenagers were arrested for attacking a man, from whom they had…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Crime forces CA sneaker store to close

When at just the age of 20, Efrain Gonzalez opened Exchange Hype six months ago, this was certainly not the way he saw events playing themselves out. Attempted robberies and repeated break-ins have led Gonzalez to make the simultaneously difficult and pragmatic decision to shutter the brick-and mortar location and shift to a strictly online platform. Financially and mentally I don’t think we can stay here anymore. I love the things we had here as a store and a physical location and hope to keep the connection l built with…

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Stupid Things People Do for Sneakers: Counterfeit sneakers seized in South African raids

Counterfeit sneakers was among the over R2.8 mllion (166,455.13 USD) in counterfeit goods that were seized in raids in Randburg, South Africa. The joint effort from Joburg District police and the Customs Division of the South African Revenue Service, Fidelity Reaction (South Africa’s largest security provider) and brand holders raided shops that were suspected of dealing in counterfeit products. According to Gauteng police spokesperson, Lt-Col Mavela Masondo local and international items that included sneakers , clothing, watches and handbags were seized. An additional operation 24.6 miles away in Vosloorus ,…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Shots fired and Nikes taken in robbery

For two relatives, armed robbery seems to be a family affair. Officers said one of the men subsequently pulled out a handgun and said “Give me everything.” The other male then began to grab approximately ten pairs of Nikes and placed them in their vehicle. court documents indicate. Police said the victim hurriedly ran outside the premises when the suspects started shutting t them. Another business owner who happened to be outside as the shots were fired, was forced to take cover, and it was later determined that one of…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: 14-year-old boy attacked, sneakers and other items taken

This latest edition of sneaker criminality takes us to Brooklyn, where police are searching for a group that attacked and robbed a 14-year-old boy at gunpoint. The incident occurred in Brooklyn Bridge Park on Saturday, June 4 at 7:50 p.m. near the park’s Pier 2. The attacked seemed to be a random one, and according to police, the victim was pushed to the ground, punched in the face and threatened with a gun. His sneaker, cellphone, cap, banking and ID cards were forcibly taken from his person. The youngster was…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Air Jordans stolen in City Gear break-ins

Two Memphis-area City Gear stores were recently hit with early morning robberies. According to Memphis police, the City Gear in the 4000 black of Elvis Presley Boulevard was robbed early on the morning of Saturday, My 21. The interior of the store had been despoiled, the front door propped open with a pallet, with clothing and shoes stolen to the tune of $30,000. Surveillance footage captured several of the suspects, including the face of this male. Some of the stolen footwear included, the , at the tine, yet-to-be released, “Easter”…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Memphis sneaker sellers set up buyer

A recent sneaker sale in Memphis, Tennessee devolved into gunplay. According to Memphis Police, the victim made arrangements on social media to sell a pair of Air Jordans to a male. The agreed upon location was on Willow Rd at around May 14 at around 9 A.M. At the meeting a male got out of a grey Dodge Charger and into the buyer’s car.Once inside the car, the “seller” turned into a robber, pulling out a gun and pointing it at the other man and demanded his money. Police said…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: NY “Sneaker Snatcher” strikes again

Back in February, we reported on the account of New York City woman who was the victim of a most unusual sneaker crime. The thief only took one of her shoes before taking off. At the time of reporting it was thought to be a rather peculiar one-off oddity. Apparently this has unfortunately proven not to be true, as this is just one of a multiple attacks by this serial sneaker snatcher. The first such reported incident took place on January 24 when the suspect followed a woman into an…

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Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Seller pepper-sprayed, sneakers stolen

Police in Port Moody British Columbia are searching for two males who peppered sprayed a would-be sneaker seller. According to police, the victim made arrangements to sell a pair of sneakers on Facebook Marketplace. Law enforcement said that just after 2 p.m. on May 30, two male arrived at the victim’s residence and after a few minutes, pepper-sprayed him and fled the scene. The victim suffered no injuries from the attack. One of the suspects was caught on camera and he is described as approximately 18 years old, standing 5’8″…

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