Kimberly Nuestro was a Golden State Warriors fan and student at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. The 16-year old sophomore, and captain of her junior varsity basketball team, was playing a club basketball game last Saturday night when she passed out and was later pronounced dead Sunday at Stanford Medical Center. Her cause of death has yet to be determined.
“When students and staff came to school on Monday, a ‘large percentage’ were sporting Warriors’ gear and dressed in blue and gold in honor of Kimberly”, said Homestead principal Greg Giglio.
Kimberly’s father, Rami Nuestro, started a hashtag , #signforKim, on social media in the hopes that Stephen Curry would honor his daughter by autographing her sneakers.

The hashtag went viral on social media and Mr. Nuestro received a call this past Tuesday morning informing him that Curry requested for Kimberly’s shoes to be dropped off during Warriors’ practice for him to sign.
Curry told the school newspaper: “I wish I could have met [Kimberly] before she passed. But this is a small token for her family, to, I guess, know that there’s a lot of people thinking about them, [to help them] with what they’re going through and hopefully honor her life with those shoes.”