Been Affected By Sneaker Violence? OSD Wants to Talk with you

With our regular segment, “Stupid Things People Do for Sneakers, we have outlined some of the unintelligent course of actions, often violent and illegal ones,  people take to obtain sneakers, or moneys derived from them. If you have been affected by sneaker-related violence, our friends at OSD, Obsessive Sneaker Disorder want to speak with you. Hit them up at their Facebook page or you can send them an email at 

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U.S. Sneaker Production Could Become More Prevalent

The tasks of producing much of the footwear we wear left for Asia many moons ago. However, technology could be bringing them back. That is because some of the major players in the footwear world- Nike, Adidas, and even Reebok , could be returning with robot-driven production facilities.  Last week, Canton, Massachusetts based Reebok announced it planned to open a high-tech facility in Rhode Island in which sneakers would be produced by robots pouring plastic.   Our idea was,if the U.S. Us where the innovation is, let’s make the product that’s…

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The UFC and Reebok: A match not made in heaven

As most fight fans know, the UFC and Reebok signed a six year, $70 million deal late last year. By and large this arrangement has been riddled with problems and ridicule,from not only fight fans , but the fighters themselves.  The arrangement has been a colossal flop for both sides, as it has made Reebok appear incompetent and UFC, even more greedy and dictatorial towards its fighters. Fighters have claimed this deal has cost them thousands of dollars, as it no longer allows the 3rd party sponsorships. When longtime cut…

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SOLEcial Studies fall 2015 registration now open

Obsessive Sneaker Disorder’s SOLEcial studies class has paved the way for many people’s entrance into the footwear industry. The 8 week course stretches the participants’ conceptions of the footwear industries and builds a sturdy foundation upon which a career in the footwear field can be built. The registration for the fall session, which commences October 13,2015,  is now open. Interested parties can apply here through eventbrite. If you have questions about the class ask away at  

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Why I Love This (Sneaker) Game

by B.C. I have a confession to make. I’ve fallen off in the sneaker game. Many of you are probably wondering why I’m even writing this in the first place. Well, I feel that for one, my experience in the sneaker game has granted me all of the permission that I need to tell you this story.  I was one of those guys who purchased sneakers before they were retroed years later, only to see them return to stores in a quality that was less-than-stellar. I, like many other people who…

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